The Malta Independent, 27th September 2008 –
Heritage Malta is once again organising a course entitled Certificate Course in Caring for Historic Houses. The course is primarily intended for homeowners, professionals and crafts persons and others involved in the caring of houses of character and historic houses in Malta. There is a growing interest in the conservation and conversion of these buildings but not all the work that is being carried out is guaranteeing their conservation.

The course will help participants to appreciate better the urban development of our old towns and villages and the architectural development within them. It will also give guidance on the best practices which are to be used in the conservation, restoration, rehabilitation and use of these houses. This will give better knowledge on what is possible to do yourself and when the professional needs to be called in.

Two 10-hour courses will take place at The Institute of Conservation and Management of Cultural Heritage, Heritage Malta, Bighi, Kalkara. The first course will be in English with sessions held on Monday 6, Friday 10, Monday 13 October, Friday 17 and Monday 20 October. The course will be repeated in Maltese starting on Friday 17, Monday 20, Friday 24, Monday 27 and Friday 31 October. All sessions will be held between 6pm and 8pm except for the final session which will be starting at 5.30pm. Few places are available.

For further information please call: 23954 Ext 202/206 or 7905-0571 or write to:martina.caruana@gov.mtThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view itorlouis.borg@gov.mtThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it, or visit the Heritage Malta website: