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Viewpoints | Din l-Art Ħelwa - National Trust of Malta


26 Mar 2019

A strong planning regulator, by Martin Galea

Prior to the 2013 election, the Labour Party had a framework manifesto it had committed to implement. In the section on environment, the document stated that by giving priority to the environment, the government would improve quality of life by...

16 Mar 2019

Annual General Meeting 2019 – Speech by Maria Grazia Cassar

“……hija l-fehma ta’ dan it- Tribunal li tali rapporti jaqghu taht it-tifsira ta’ dokument pubbliku li huwa fl-interess pubbliku li l-pubbliku jkollu access ghalih tenut kont li l-materja ta’ konservazzjoni hija materija ta’ interess pubbliku.” This is part of the sentence,...

12 Mar 2019

Half a century later, by Petra Caruana Dingli

Professor Alex Torpiano is the new executive president of Din l-Art Ħelwa. Considering the environmental pressures in Malta today, this is a challenging role to step into. He has plenty of experience, and was the well-respected president of the Kamra...