
14 Sep 2013

ODZ and building height policy revisions will have huge impact on environment – Din l-Art Helwa repeats call for extension of consultation time-frames

Press Release 14th September 2013 Din l-Art Helwa is highly concerned that the government is formulating the objectives of key planning policies without giving environmental NGOs and the general public adequate opportunity to participate. These objectives will affect existing rules on construction outside the development zone (ODZ), and building heights. It is unacceptable that...

07 Sep 2013

Environmental Impact Assessment for gas-fired power station is unsatisfactory as it still lacks the required details

PRESS RELEASE 7th September 2013 Din l-Art Helwa has received the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the new gas-fired power plant at Delimara for review. It has pointed out to MEPA that this Environmental Impact Assessment cannot be considered complete until...