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Alan Deidun | Din l-Art Ħelwa - National Trust of Malta

Alan Deidun

Alan is a marine biologist, a committed environmentalist and has been a newspaper columnist for the past 12 years. His blog is an informed, outspoken take on the environmental sphere in the Maltese Islands, both above and below the waves.

14 Apr

We need a strong LEO

by Alan Deidun Leo’s recent complaint that his Ministry was not consulted on the proposed MEPA demerger and on the SPED, as well as on the avalanche of proposed planning policies is an inane attempt at exculpation...

07 Feb

Putting the cart before the horse

by Alan Deidun With the raging debate on the IIP scheme monopolizing headlines and coffee shop discussions, few might have realized that the MEPA Board recently approved through the slew of proposed ODZ policy amendments, despite the...

21 Jan

If I were an MEP candidate

by Alan Deidun The most substantial monkey around the necks of MEP candidates is the public perception that they joined the fray (i.e. they are contesting the elections for the  European Parliament) simply because they wish to join...

26 Dec

Dissecting the fireworks factory draft policy

by Alan Deidun The recently-launched proposals by MEPA for the enactment of a holistic policy on fireworks factories are yet more grist to the surging mill of policies and proposed policy revisions that the policy-weary public and NGOs must already contend...

06 Dec

Debunking the outline permit myth

by Alan Deidun I have avoided dwelling on the Mistra case till now since I was labouring under the wrong perception that the MEPA Board had a Hobson’s choice in view of the outline permit which had been previously issued a...