The latest issue of Din l-Art Ħelwa’s magazine Vigilo has just been published. Packed with features and news, it includes articles on the heritage of Hamrun, Villa Barbaro in Tarxien, community at Bormla, Domus Zamittello in Valletta, Palazzo Carafa, Xatt l-Aħmar in Gozo, documents at the notarial archives, the role of bombardiers, niche statues of St Roque, and much more.
With a gorgeous cover image of the Red Tower by Daniel Cilia, this issue includes contributions by Alex Torpiano, Reuben Grima, Cheryl Deguara, Petra Caruana Dingli, Edwin Mintoff, Patricia Camilleri, Stanley Farrugia Randon, James Licari, Theresa Zammit Lupi, Vicki Ann Cremona, Sandro Debono, Maria Grazia Cassar and Joe Attard. The magazine is edited by Petra Caruana Dingli and design is by Ramon Micallef.
To receive a copy, join Din l-Art Helwa as a member. Visit the website for information on subscriptions: https://dinlarthelwa.org/membership/
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