
12 Oct 2011

Put the ‘u’ into volunteering

Taking up the volunteer baton as incoming executive president of Din l-Art Ħelwa, nothing is clearer to me in my first week of office than the continued value volunteer non-governmental-organisations bring to society, whichever social mission they support. When such...

12 Oct 2011

Extension of St John’s Museum

Times of Malta, 11 August 2008 – Editorial St John’s Co-Cathedral houses Malta’s finest art treasures, and its splendour and historical importance test the limits of the lexicon. Words like lavish, opulent, striking and significant fall short of the mark. Not...

12 Oct 2011

Water, water everywhere?, by Marco Cremona

Sunday Times of Malta, 10 August 2008 – Calculated on a per-capita basis, Malta is the ninth thirstiest country in the world. We are extracting groundwater from our aquifers at a rate that is more than twice the sustainable rate (possibly...

12 Oct 2011

The answer is not just blowing in the wind

Times of Malta, 23rd July 2008 – Editorial At the launch of the Union for the Mediterranean in Paris, the Prime Minister returned to his promise to invest in a 75-100 MW deep offshore wind farm 20 miles off Malta to...

12 Oct 2011

EU verdict on Malta’s environmental deficit

Times of Malta, 21 July 2008, Editorial – The phrase “the environmental deficit” was used by The Times last autumn to describe the sins of omission and commission in Malta’s environment. It became part of the lexicon of the general election...

12 Oct 2011

The Mepa reform dust trap, by Petra Bianchi

Maltatoday, 6th July 2008   A new chairman of the Malta Environment and Planning Authority has been appointed. We wish him well, recognising that he has a formidable task ahead to sort out the many insidious problems lurking within the organisation that...

12 Oct 2011

Mepa’s credibility

The Malta Independent, 7th July 2008 – Editorial The Malta Environment and Planning Authority may have had all the good intentions to facilitate the work of journalists, but last Thursday’s incident does not help in any way to restore the credibility...