
23 Jul 2009

Theatre among the Ruins, by Petra Bianchi

Times of Malta, 23 July 2009 – In the 18th century, young men from the north of Europe frequently travelled on a “grand tour” to the south, to complete their education. They visited France and Italy, admiring old monuments and...

22 Jul 2009

A Planning Step Backwards, by Martin Galea

Times of Malta, 22 July 2009  The long awaited proposals for the reform of Mepa have finally been revealed. There is much to commend in many of the proposals. Some are eminently sensible and may resolve the planning catastrophe we have...

24 Mar 2009

Planners reactions are too slow, by Petra Bianchi

Times of Malta, 24 March 2009 – Talking Point The 1960s brought a rapidly expanding tourism industry to Malta, with many large hotels built in pristine locations. Tourism is a main pillar of our economy but times have undoubtedly changed radically...

24 Nov 2008

Restoring old buildings, by Maria Mifsud

Sunday Times of Malta, 24 November 2008 A settlement – a conglomeration of homes set up by its community – is a living depository of cultural heritage where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Individual homes making...

28 Sep 2008

Heritage Watch: Sustainable Tourism, by Petra Bianchi

The Malta Independent on Sunday, 28th September 2008 Parliamentary Secretary for Tourism Dr Mario de Marco recently emphasised that for the tourism industry to be sustainable, we must “maintain, conserve and upgrade our environment”. He warned that tourism development must not...

21 Aug 2008

Energy performance, by Martin Galea

Times of Malta, 21st August 2008 – George Debono in his Talking Point, Surcharge Cap Promotes Waste (August 16) argued for the removal of the surcharge capping. As one who is involved in both the environmental and business lobby I can...