
09 Jan 2010

A watchdog called Mepa, by Martin Scicluna

Times of Malta, 9th January 2010 The common point of departure in any discussion about the state of the environment in Malta is that Mepa has failed in its role of safeguarding it. This, indeed, lay at the heart of the...

12 Dec 2009

Sound planning decisions, by Martin Galea

Times of Malta, 31 December 2009 Two astonishing doc-uments have just been published by Mepa. They were the findings of a board of inquiry into the issue of permits for a supermarket in Luqa and some bungalows in Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq. The...

01 Oct 2009

Talk about Quality, by Petra Bianchi

Vigilo magazine, October 2009 Plenty has been said and written about the massive amount of building development that has taken place in Malta over the last three decades or so. According to recent...

01 Oct 2009

Problems at il-Majjistral Park, by Martin Galea

Vigilo magazine, October 2009 Two years ago I had reported that an important step to preserve our countryside had been taken. The Government had announced that the area around Xaghra il-Hamra was to be turned into a National Park. This was...

01 Aug 2009

Plans for Valletta’s City Gate, by Martin Galea

Din l-Art Helwa newsletter, August 2009 Of course any architectural project of scale within Valletta is bound to be controversial. Valletta belongs to us all and we feel deeply about it. Indeed we are united in what we don’t like about...

31 Jul 2009

Law of Unintended Consequences, by Martin Scicluna

Times of Malta, 31st July 2009 – The law of unintended consequences holds that there are often initiatives, invariably taken with the best of intentions, which lead in the event to negative or perverse results absolutely contrary to what was...