
12 Oct 2011

The Limits of Limestone, by Petra Bianchi

Times of Malta, 30th March 2008 Limestone is one of Malta’s few natural resources. From our magnificent Stone Age temples, to the building of the impressive fortifications of Valletta and Mdina, it has always been a vital element in...

12 Oct 2011

Getting it right, by David Felice

Times of Malta, 5th March 2008 The exchange of opinions in The Times of February 5, 8 and 21 between Martin Scicluna and George Pullicino are of great interest to the Chamber of Architects and its members, also because they inevitably...

12 Oct 2011

‘Conflicts of Interest in Mepa’ by Martin Scicluna

It is inevitable in a small country like Malta, where everybody knows or is acquainted with everybody else, that the pressure from politicians, developers or other clients, as well as environmental NGOs, on those making planning or environmental judgements is...