
12 Oct 2011

Rewarding illegality, by Alan Deidun

Times of Malta, 29th June 2008 In her article entitled ‘Speculators and Squatters rule, OK’, in last Sunday’s MaltaToday, Pamela Hansen hit the nail on the head. Like all law-abiding citizens in this country who would never have the temerity to park...

12 Oct 2011

Eleven storeys at Mistra, by Petra Bianchi

Times of Malta, 16th June 2008 – Sustainable development is on the government’s drawing board. In short, objectives for economic progress are to take environmental concerns into account and vice versa. A balance between the two is to be achieved. Construction...

12 Oct 2011

Boathouse frenzy, by Alan Deidun

Sunday Times of Malta, 18 May 2008 – To the current frenzy of building stables and discos, we can add boathouses and hotel extensions. Snippets of information trickling through show plans for the dust-shrouded San Tumas enclave of around 140 boathouses,...

12 Oct 2011

A Frog in a Pot, by Marco Cremona

Sunday Times of Malta, 18 May 2008 – I sometimes feel that Malta is like a frog in a pot of water placed on a stove. The frog does not feel threatened by the gradual increase in temperature and does...

12 Oct 2011

Water Crisis, by Gordon Knox

On 10 April 2008, Dr Gordon Knox gave a public lecture at Din l-Art Helwa entitled ‘Water – a Crisis?’, which focused on the issue of water resources from global and Maltese perspectives. What follows are some of the main...

12 Oct 2011

The Environmental Onslaught, by Lino Bugeja

Times of Malta, 19th April 2008 Nothing is Sacred Anymore It is now an open secret that our island home is up for sale. The outrageous statements by the chairman of the Malta Tourism Authority, a parastatal body, in favour of the...