Din l-Art Helwa congratulates the Superintendence for Cultural Heritage and the Planning Authority for the scheduling of ten further buildings of historic importance. We urge both the Superintendence for Cultural Heritage and the Planning Authority to further their efforts in a nationwide exercise for scheduling of the many historic properties which are as yet awaiting such a degree of protection.
Din l-Art Helwa urges the authorities, especially the Environment and Planning Commission, to also give importance to the historic simple urban fabric which constitutes 90% of our Urban Conservation Areas. Such buildings are simple and devoid of ornamentation or particular history however they create streetscapes which give local identity and distinctiveness to our historic towns and villages, and as such are protected in principle by both the overarching thematic objectives of SPED and DC15. We note that many decisions at planning board level have resulted in permission for such buildings to be demolished, in many instances going directly against the recommendation of the Superintendence for Cultural Heritage
Whilst recognising the efforts for scheduling we also wish to draw the attention of the Planning Authority, that protection of such vernacular buildings IS URGENTLY NEEDED. We urge the authorities to respect the Mission and Values of the Planning Authority which calls for a pleasant and desirable place to live in and a better quality of life for the community, as described so aptly in the Vision, Mission and Values of the Planning Authority itself.
13 August 2019
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