On the event of the 10th anniversary of the founding of Malta’s first Nature and History Park, the Majjistral Park Management is drawing up a series of extra activities in the Park. As part of its educational programme, it will be inviting schools from both Malta and Gozo to organise excursions to the park by covering the costs of the tours, including bus transport costs to the site and back to school, thus alleviating both parents’ and schools’ limited budgets for extracurricular excursions.
Autumn is a particularly attractive and exciting time in the Park. The first rains bring with them a fresh efflorescence of wild flowers and shrubs which can be studied by visitors who will be assisted by park attendants.
Over the past 10 years the Park, that includes a visitor information centre, has hosted a growing number of visits and school excursions from all over Malta. However the management has noted that the distance to the park, situated as it is in the North West, and transport costs for school trips, are factors that often need to be addressed to make the park ever more accessible to the public.
Schools that wish to benefit from this initiative are asked to register their interest with the Park’s educational officer on 21521291 or by email on richard@majjistral.org. Excursions can start from 0930 am and include a viewing of the Park Documentary at the Visitor Centre and will be on a first come first served basis.
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