
Front Ħarsien ODZ has announced that a national protest will be held in two weeks’ time on the 20th of June. This protest will be directed against locating the ‘American University’ outside the development zone (i.e. in the countryside) at Zonqor Point.

The following 7 NGOs will also be supporting the protest: Ramblers’ Association of Malta, Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar, Friends of the Earth, Din l-Art Helwa, Greenhouse Malta, Birdlife Malta and Nature Trust Malta.

You can join and share the event here:

We strongly appeal to the public to attend this non-partisan protest and to support our position that ODZ is ODZ. Any investment should be located in its rightful place, i.e. inside the confines of the development zone.

The protest will start at 10am in front of the new parliament building. We hope that you will take a stand with us to save our countryside from further degradation and the exploitation it has suffered through all these years at the hands of speculators and their accomplices.

You can read our press release explaining our position in this article.