Din l-Art Ħelwa wishes to advise that the presentation by Perit Edward Said B.E.& A.(Hons) (Melit.), P.G.Dip.(Melit.), M.Sc.(Bath), on ‘Villa Frere and its garden’ is being held at the premises of Malta Enterprise, Gwardamangia Hill, Pietà instead of at 133 Melita St. Valletta, on Thursday 13th June at 18:00 hrs.
The garden of Villa Frere in Pietà was formerly one of Malta’s most celebrated gardens. Much of the land was taken up by the former St Luke’s Hospital, part of which has recently undergone rehabilitation to become the new premises of Malta Enterprise.
These offices received Din l-Art Helwa’s architectural restoration award. Attendance of the lecture will also be an opportunity for the public to visit this award-winning project.
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