2nd July 2008

Din l-Art Helwa announces the launch of its 2008 Built and Natural Heritage Journalism Award Scheme for journalistic publications that have made an outstanding and significant contribution to the better appreciation of the built and natural environment of the Maltese Islands within the last year.

This year two Awards have been established. The first award will deal with articles regarding Malta and Gozo’s built environment including historic buildings, monuments, archaelogical sites and the vernacular character of the towns and villages. The second Award will be for articles dealing with the natural heritage covering the appreciation of Malta’s natural environment and landscapes, including its open spaces, maritime heritage, flora and fauna and natural resources.

Entries may be submitted to one of the two categories of journalistic writing. Journalistic entries for the Built Heritage Award may refer to a single building, a complex of buildings or a historic urban environment or townscape. Entries for the Natural Heritage Award may refer to any aspect of Malta’s natural environment and landscapes.

The Awards are open to all journalists and occasional contributors in Malta and Gozo. To be eligible for inclusion the work or series of works must have been published in Malta within the twelve months period up to 31st August 2008.


Submission for consideration for an Award must be received at the Din l-Art Helwa Offices, at 133 Melita Street, Valletta by the 30th September 2008 and the announcement of the winners will be made in November. A Prix d’Honneur and a Silver Medal will be awarded to the winning entries in each category and runners up will win a Diploma.

The Din l-Art Helwa Built and Natural Journalism Award Scheme is made possible with the support of the Malta Institute of Journalists.


For further information regarding terms and conditions and for application forms. please call at 133 Melita Street, or phone 21 220358.