Bir Miftuħ lnternational Music Festival 2018
The Bir Miftuħ International Music Festival, presented every spring by Din l-Art Ħelwa, at the medieval church of Santa Maria ta’ Bir Miftuħ, Gudja is a wonderful experience not to be missed by lovers of music and the heritage.
1st Concert – Friday 25th May at 7:30 p.m.
A Mandolin and Guitar Recital by the CORDAminazioni Duo comprised of Tiziano Palladino -mandolin and Davide Di Ienno – guitar.
This concert is sponsored by the Embassy of Italy and the Istituto Italiano di Cultura.
The CORDAminazioni Duo will enchant the audience with their hauntingly beautiful repertoire comprising works by Corelli, Gervasio, Rossini, Mascagni, Bellafronte and Piazzolla.
2nd Concert – Friday, 1st June at 8:00 p.m.
A Violoncello and Piano Recital by the Karlsruhe Konzert Duo comprised of Reinhard Armleder – cello and Dagmar Hartmann – piano
This concert is being made possible thanks to the support of the German-Maltese Circle and the Goethe-Institut.
The audience will be enthralled by the Duo’s most fascinating programme which includes works by Schumann, Mendelsshon, Liszt, Brahms, Fauré, Debussy, Granados and De Falla.
3rd Concert – Saturday 16th June at 7:00 p.m.
A String Quartet Performance by The Isouard Ensemble comprised of Vincenzo Picone – violin, Ian Ellul – violin, Matthew Fenech – viola and Gjorgji Cincievsky – double bass.
This concert is kindly sponsored by the Embassy of France and the Alliance Française de Malte – Méditerranée.
To celebrate the bicentary of the death of the Maltese born, internationally acclaimed composer Nicoló Isouard, this concert will be a tribute to him and will pay homage to his outstanding works. The audience will be enraptured by the beauty of his captivating music. The programme features excerpts from his delightful operas, Joconde, Jeannot et Colin, Les Rendez-vous Bourgeois and Cendrillon, as well as the uplifting Sinfonia in C minor.
Tickets for 1 concert and refreshments are against a donation of €20 per person
Block tickets for 3 concerts and refreshments are against a donation of €50 per person
Block tickets for 2 concerts and refreshments are against a donation of €35 per person
For bookings kindly contact Din l-Art Ħelwa 133, Melita Street, Valletta VLT 1123.
Tel. nos. 21225952/21220358 Email address: info@dinlarthelwa.org
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