25/02/2017 @ 11:00 am – 12:30 pm Europe/Malta Timezone


Notice is hereby given that the next Annual General Meeting will be held at the Association’s Offices, 133 Melita St., Valletta on Saturday 25 February, 2017 at 11 a.m. It is important that as many members as possible attend as amendments to the Statute may be proposed.


  1. Introduction by the Executive President

  2. Reading of the minutes of the last AGM held on 27 February 2016

  3. Election of Scrutineers and distribution of voting documents for election of new Council

  4. Honorary Secretary General’s Report for 2016

  5. Audited Financial Statements for the Financial Year 2016 and Honorary Treasurer’s Report

  6. Election of Auditors

  7. Proposed amendments to Statute

  8. Passage of Resolutions

  9. Address by the Executive President

  10. Election of new Council of Din l-Art Helwa for 2017 – 2019

  11. Closing statement by Executive President

Any member wishing to propose a Resolution is to submit it so that it is received by the Council by not later than Friday, 3rd February, 2017

Philip A. Mercieca

Honorary Secretary General Jan 2017

Nomination for election to the Council of Din l-Art Helwa year 2017 – 2019

Those members of Din l-Art Helwa wishing to stand for election are to complete this form which must reach the Honorary Secretary General at the offices of Din l-Art Helwa by Friday, 3rd February 2017

We, the undersigned, nominate _________________________for election to the Council for the years 2017 – 2019

Proposer’s Name __________________________ Signature and Date _____________

Seconder’s Name __________________________Signature and Date _____________

Candidate’s signature notifying acceptance __________________________________