Do we want the only green spaces left to be our roundabouts?
Din l-Art Ħelwa has recently launched a campaign which aims to show the relevance of biodiversity and the countryside to our daily lives in Malta and for future generations. It aims to build public awareness of the importance of conserving the countryside and avoiding its loss, especially due to over-development.
The countryside is the lifeblood of biodiversity. Biodiversity is the variety of species on earth, and ecosystems provide the habitats in which they live. These ecosystems are being degraded and lost due to various man-made pressures, including pollution and land speculation. Construction on virgin land is one of the main threats to biodiversity in Malta.
Malta’s biodiversity is threatened by the conversion of natural areas for other uses, such as housing, roads, industry and the expansion of urban areas. There is a need for more political will to seriously tackle the issue. Biodiversity loss is a growing problem and there is a need for improved information and education on biodiversity within the community.
Our natural heritage includes many plants and animals and their diverse habitats. They depend upon the countryside to survive. Agriculture is also an important sector of the economy and forms part of our cultural traditions.
More action is needed against threats to biodiversity, such as illegal building in the countryside, illegal dumping, and illegal hunting or trapping.
The countryside provides scenic beauty and educational benefits to Maltese society. What is left of our countryside is beautiful and precious. Let’s protect it for future generations.
Help us to protect the countryside by supporting our campaign.
The project consists mainly of an internet-based campaign, engaging with audiences through social media such as Facebook.
The project is funded through a grant awarded to Din l-Art Ħelwa by the EEA Grants NGO Programme Malta 2009-2014.
The ‘face’ of Din l-Art Ħelwa’s new ‘Save the Countryside’ campaign is based on Malta’s national plant, the Maltese Rock Centaury. This plant is endemic to the Maltese Islands, which means that it is not naturally found anywhere else in the world. It mainly grows along the cliffs in the south-west of Malta and Gozo. In Maltese this plant is known as Widnet il-Baħar and its scientific name is Palaeocyanus crassifolius. The Campaign’s ‘face’ reflects both a child’s drawing of Malta’s national plant as well as a ‘smiley’.
The logo is designed by Pierre Ellul.
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